Confident, the Republicans think of seizing Congress in the American elections

48 hours from legislative and local elections “decisive” for the future of “democracy” in the United States, in the words of Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama, the conservative Republican party nevertheless believes in its chances of a “giant wave” to seize Congress in the U.S. midterm elections on Nov. 8. This is what ex-President Trump predicted on Saturday evening, at a meeting in the pivotal state of Pennsylvania (northeast), who was defeated in 2020 and who dream of a rematch in the presidential election of 2024.

Some 40 million voters have already voted in anticipation according to the NBC channel on Sunday and the two camps show more or less their confidence in a politically and culturally ultrapolarized country. The Democrats, however, are much more feverish.

“Big Night” of the Republicans

A Senate Republican cacique, Rick Scott, predicted a “big night” Tuesday evening while the governor of Virginia (east) Glenn Youngkin assured the ABC channel that his Republican party “offered common sense solutions” to the concerns of Americans, first of all inflation and crime. “This is going to be a wake-up call for President Biden”launched the chosen one.

Confident in their victory thanks to polls that put them in the leadthe Republicans “will accept” all the results of the polls, whether they win or lose, party president Ronna McDaniel assured CNN on Sunday. While we fear a wave of protests by the most conservative and close to Donald Trump, she welcomed the “good momentum” Republican with a view to swinging Congress to the right on Tuesday evening.

For two years, the Democrats have had a narrow majority in the House of Representatives and a single majority vote, that of Vice President Kamala Harris, in the Senate. The polls predict a clear victory in the House of Representatives for the Republicans, who could also regain control of the Senate.

Disputed results

Leader McDaniel has thus contradicted a number of statements by candidates close to their champion Donald Trump, who has never recognized his defeat in the presidential election of November 2020. Kari Lake, who aspires to the post of governor in Arizona, has for example refused to say that she would respect a result in the form of a defeat against his Democratic opponent in this divided state in the southern United States.

Same thing in Wisconsin (north), where outgoing Republican Senator Ron Johnson did not say he would bow in the event of a defeat against Democrat Mandela Barnes. According to the Democratic camp and analysts, there would be some 300 Republican candidates ready to contest the results of the national and local elections on Tuesday evening.

Asked about the people monitoring certain advance polling places, Ronna McDaniel also assured that “No one should intimidate voters”while defending the right to observe the electoral process.


On Saturday in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden, 80 in two weeks, and the always charismatic and good orator Barack Obama urged their voters at campaign rallies to defend the “democracy”. Facing them, Donald Trump, 76, demanded “a giant wave” republican in order to “saving the american dream”. He accused the ruling Democrats of being “communists” and promised to put an end to the “destruction of the country”.

Sunday, Joe Biden, Catholic and who presents himself as the president of the middle classes, attended a mass in his stronghold of Delaware before going at the end of the day in the great northern suburbs of New York to support the Democratic governor of State, Kathy Hochul, in trouble in the polls against her Republican challenger Lee Zeldin. “We will keep this majority”, launched on NBC the elected Democrat of New York in the House of Representatives, Sean Maloney.

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