The 900 seats installed in the Espace les Anciennes Forges de Stiring-Wendel were not sufficient this Friday evening. Several dozen people remained standing to attend the meeting organized this Friday by Marine Le Pen, just over a week before the first round of the presidential election. In the polls, the National Rally candidate has about 20% of the vote, which puts her at a good distance from her opponents to reach the second round.
Avoid the 2017 scenario
“Very happy to see that people understood that it was necessary to stop demonizing it“, confides Jean-Paul. This long-time activist is delighted with this dynamic which seems to be taking shape in the last days of the campaign. According to him, Marine Le Pen is no longer the same as in 2017, when she failed against Emmanuel Macron. “She has worked for 5 years, she knows how to perfectly embody the function.” “I got chills tonight when she said she was ready“, adds Ophelia.
– Arthur White
A finding shared by Mickaël, who sees many new faces in rows. “There are voters who come from different sociologies, even executives, whereas we were mainly addressing workers“, he rejoices. Other sociologies like that of Maxime, who previously voted socialist. He decided to change his candidate during this campaign. “None of the candidates, nor their values, suited me. And I adhered to the speech of Marine Le Pen“, he explains.
Beware of overconfidence
But just a few days before the election, some prefer to temporize and do not see yourself as winners too quickly. Samuel, for example, very happy to see Marine Le Pen come to his home – “there are other bigger towns she could have gone to in Moselle” – does not ignite. “I don’t believe in the polls, when we see that after his mandate, Emmanuel Macron reached 30%. We’ll see on election night, when the results come in.“