Concordia University: knowledge through experience

This text is part of the special section Higher Education

Since the start of the 2022 academic year, Concordia University has committed to providing at least one experiential learning opportunity (APE) to each of its 30,000 undergraduate students.

The formula goes far beyond the classic paid internships in the workplace, which have already made the reputation of the establishment. An APE can be part of a course in the form of a laboratory, a capstone project, studio work, a performance or an exhibition. It can also be act on an innovation research project commissioned by a company, an NPO, a ministry or a municipality. The list also includes student internships abroad and even participation in competitions or entrepreneurial workshops.

“The idea of ​​the APE came naturally to us because Concordia has been practicing the cooperative system for 42 years,” says Anne Whitelaw, executive vice-rector for academic affairs.

Nadia Bhuiyan, Deputy Executive Vice-Rector for Partnerships and Experiential Learning, spearheaded the entire APE operation. She is surprised at the speed at which things have happened. “We thought we would get there in 2025, but the target for 2025 is now two [occasions d’] APE for each student. »

The results of a survey

The idea comes from a 2016 survey of student expectations. Almost universally, they respond that the acquisition of professional experience is their first wish.

That year, four faculties (Engineering and Computer Science, Management, Arts and Science, and Fine Arts) practiced the cooperative regime — three paid voluntary internships in the workplace during the entire duration of the baccalaureate. As a first step, the University decides to extend this scheme to 54 undergraduate and 20 graduate programs. “In four years, we have tripled the number of students in the cooperative system to reach 5,110,” says Nadia Bhuiyan.

The new Office of Experiential Learning creates and coordinates many initiatives. For example, the possibility at the end of studies to carry out a synthesis project with industrial, commercial, community or scientific aims. Students can also come together in multidisciplinary teams to respond to an innovation challenge launched by an industry, a ministry or a city. We also decided to recognize certain particularly rewarding volunteer activities, such as contests. “We had students designing satellites and even rockets. These experiences are now credited,” reveals Nadia Bhuiyan, herself a professor of mechanical engineering and who directed Concordia’s Institute for Aerospace Design and Innovation.

The Office of Experiential Learning also worked with all faculties to identify at least one required course per program that would lend itself to an APE, where at least 40% of the grade would be attributed to that experience. “We received a big turnout from our teachers,” explains Nadia Bhuiyan. No one said it would be impossible. »

“For us, it is important that any form of APE be remunerated, or at least credited,” says Anne Whitelaw. The Doggone Foundation offers paid internships to students in Fine Arts, an environment where employers often have little means. And another gift from the RBC Foundation, intended for the Succeeding Despite Everything program, supports students from marginalized backgrounds.

The merits of the formula

The two vice-rectors have long been convinced that experiential learning ensures better academic and professional success. “Studies show it. The effect on motivation and interest is direct,” says Nadia Bhuiyan.

The operation would never have worked without an enthusiastic response from employers — public, private and community. “They see it as an opportunity to develop knowledge and seek out a rare workforce. The consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers has even guaranteed to hire at least 25 students per year, says Nadia Bhuiyan. But it requires a constant effort of communication and representation, because many employers are unaware that they have this possibility. »

All universities do some APE, but Concordia is the first to guarantee at least one APE and soon two for every undergraduate student. This enriched educational offer, in addition to contributing to Quebec society, will strengthen its position in the global race for university philanthropy, the hiring of professors and the recruitment of students.

“For students in engineering or management, the job prospects are quite obvious, but they are less so in the humanities and social sciences, in the arts,” says Anne Whitelaw, who knows something about this as a historian of ‘art. “APEs will allow them to gain experience and better understand the path to employment. »

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the To have to, pertaining to marketing. The drafting of To have to did not take part.

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