Concordia University: classes will resume face-to-face on February 3

Concordia University announced Thursday that in-person teaching will resume on February 3 within its walls, a return that will therefore be later than other Montreal universities.

However, the establishment indicated in its press release that “sporting events and shows remain on hold until further notice”.

McGill University was the first to mention a return to in-class classes for January 24.

Earlier this week, the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) and the University of Montreal (UdeM) had announced the resumption of face-to-face classes as of January 31, as planned by the Ministry of Higher Education. which had granted a transition period until that date.

While each university has confirmed that wearing a procedure mask is compulsory at all times on campus, the University of Montreal for its part backed down on this measure for teachers on Wednesday.

The decision was taken on Wednesday by the University’s management committee, after consultation with internal specialists, said rector Daniel Jutras.

“There are several reasons for this change. First of all, the epidemiological context is changing rapidly. Between the time we adopted the measure and today, the situation has improved. The Government of Quebec has also announced [mercredi] a gradual relaxation of certain health restrictions. UdeM is doing the same today, based on its own assessment of the current context of the pandemic,” he explained in a press release, assuring that the university remains in compliance with the recommendations of the Standards Commission, the equity, health and safety at work (CNESST).

“The CNESST indeed authorizes anyone who teaches, whatever the level of education, to remove their mask in class “for the shortest possible period, the time to communicate”, “he specified.

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