concerts to highlight the first albums of 15 artists

This is the 9th edition of Primeurs de Castres, in Tarn. The music festival puts the spotlight on artists who are releasing their first albums. Big Flo and Oli, Clara Luciani, Juliette Armanet have been there.

It is the musical festival event which highlights the first albums: Les Primeurs de Castres. Clara Luciani, Bigflo et Oli, Juliette Armanet, and many other artists have been revealed during this festival since its creation in 2015. Very popular with producers looking for new gems, but also by artists looking for success. 15 musicians, solo or in groups, will play on the Bolegason stage until November 4.

French rock

Among the rising stars of the festival this year we find the rock group Bandit Bandit. After two EPs, they released their first album 11h11. Their uniqueness: rock made in France, both poetic and angry.

“We are very much in love with the French language. We are lucky to have a dictionary that can always surprise us. Even today, we never tire of playing with words. We feel more authentic in French. “

Maëva Nicolas

Singer Bandit Bandit

Castres produce

The music festival acts as a spotlight for the 15th year of selected artists each year. – (France 3 Occitanie: M. Brisse, C. Saiseau, E. Ducau-Negrier)

A thousand and one inspirations

And even when the universes are inspired by different cultures, the French imprint remains present. Kalika is another one of those artists who knows how to mix electro and hyperpop. Her first album “Farewell to Monsters” is a tribute to her cosplay and feminist world. Freedom, misogyny, sexuality, she sings about the wounds of her generation with a critical look at French society.

Another guest: Black dog who doesn’t look like a mastiff! Much more labrador than pitbull, this artist with a chiaroscuro and sensitive universe presents his first album “Apollo”. This native of Bordeaux dreamed of working at NASA, hence the name “Apollo”.

At his side, a galaxy of rising stars: Clair, Martin Luminet, Structures, Form, Oriane Lacaille, Ladaniva, Glauque, PoiL Ueda, Coline Rio, Ishkero, Grandma’s Ashes, Jérôme Pinel are the other emerging artists selected this year.

The “Les Primeurs de Castres” festival takes place on the Bolegason stage. The concerts take place from November 2 to 4. Entrance is 18 euros.

source site-9