Concerns on the side of film clubs

This is called a perverse effect. In wanting to act to encourage the distribution of a minimum of Quebec films by film clubs, certain festivals and independent cinemas in Quebec, the Société de développement des entreprises culturelle (SODEC) finally withdrew its subsidies to certain broadcasters this summer. .

The losses can total up to 20% of the annual budgets of non-profit cultural organizations already in a very precarious situation. This consequence was eventually partially offset by a second round of less generous grants, which ended in September.

The Promotion and Distribution Assistance Program provides support over three years, with a maximum of $20,000 per year per organization, for expenses related to Quebec cinema, SODEC’s mandate being to support cultural industries national. The criteria require the annual average programming of at least 8 Quebec films, which must total 35% or more of screenings. In 2021-2022, 28 broadcasting and programming organizations received assistance by parting an envelope of approximately 1.6 million for three years.

Independent cinemas themselves asked that aid be granted henceforth on a three-year basis rather than annually. Nor do they dispute the relevance of requiring a minimum of Quebec programming. The assessment of compliance with the new rule based on the average of the previous three years of programming, however, seemed unfair to some.

“We were consulted on the program transition, and we sincerely thought that the vast majority of theaters met the criteria of 8 films or 35% of screenings,” says Armandine Seiss, general manager of the Association des cinémas paralleles du Québec. (ACPQ).

Fragile situations

The grouping represents around 60 halls and festivals spread over fifteen regions with disparate realities, some offering one screening per week for a few dozen spectators, others one per day on average in large halls. About three-quarters of the members are funded or have been funded by SODEC in recent years. About a quarter of members are not eligible for the Promotion and Outreach Assistance Program revised and corrected this summer.

“In our network, we observe more than 50% of Quebec programming. SODEC had made calculations before implementing its changes. Except that in the first part, we realized that a certain number of rooms did not think of qualifying. There was a moment of panic. The organizations we represent are in very fragile situations,” explains Seiss.

SODEC explains that the Association was consulted throughout the review process and that the new measures were presented a year before their implementation. She adds that the ACPQ only expressed its reservations two weeks before the deadline for submitting applications for assistance, July 8, 2022.

“Some pitfalls have been uncovered and will be addressed, but we maintain the decision to assess the company’s eligibility on retroactive data,” writes the To have to Johanne Morissette, Communications Director of SODEC. “Companies that did not meet the criteria this year will be able to reapply next year. The depot will be open each year to welcome new applicants. »

She also points out that broadcasting and programming organizations as well as commercial cinemas were able to submit in September “an application as part of a new call for projects aimed at supporting companies in the development of their Quebec cinema offer. “. The annual envelopes (and not three-yearly) are less generous ($10,000 maximum instead of $20,000 per year) for film clubs.

A difficult time

Ciné-Campus Trois-Rivières lost its subsidy. The ax cut $20,000 from the approximately $100,000 in its annual budget. The decision was announced to him by letter on August 22. The organization often offers more than eight Quebec films per year, but which total less than 35% of screenings.

“We are traumatized in a way, says Stella Montreuil, general manager of Ciné-Campus Trois-Rivières. We agree with SODEC regarding the requirements for the number of Quebec films to be screened. It’s the projection percentage that’s the problem for us. Why not have asked to respect one condition or the other for example? And why rely on past practices? We have no control over the past. »

The organization is 55 years old, and it would be the oldest film club still in operation in North America. Its programming includes an average of 6 screenings per week, now reduced to 4 by funding cuts. The non-profit organization works with a lot of volunteers.

SODEC’s decision also comes at a difficult time, as film clubs, like many other venues, have not yet returned to their pre-pandemic attendance levels. “People are still afraid to go out,” says Montreuil. It is certain that, in this context, SODEC’s decision does not help us. »

Ciné-Campus Trois-Rivières filed an application under the second component introduced after criticism of the new conditions of the first. SODEC’s decisions regarding this second component are not yet known.

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