concerns on the front in Ukraine


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

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What is the situation on the front in Ukraine, Sunday, June 25? Update with journalist Alban Mikoczy, live from Zaporijjia.

In Ukraine, the situation “is extremely quiet on the front”first reports journalist Alban Mikoczy, live from Zaporijjia (Ukraine), Sunday June 25. “We will say that 24 hours after the incredible mutiny in Russia, there is no significant territorial gains for Ukraine. Maybe a few hundred m2, but no more, no major takeover”continues the journalist.

Ukraine worries about night bombings

Analysts also wonder “on the presence of Mr. Prigojine in Belarus, and if this was the case of his men: would they represent a danger for Ukraine from the North?”adds Alban Mikoczy, who specifies that “Military observers point out that if Prigozhin’s men gained access to Belarus in large enough numbers, it would show”. The Ukrainian authorities, for their part, are worried, according to the journalist “night bombings”.

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