concern mounts after a coup


France 2

Article written by

A.-C. Dagger, L. Berbey, L. Lavieille – France 2

France Televisions

In Sudan, a state of emergency was declared across the country following the coup d’état carried out by the military. The latter arrested the country’s leaders, which angered many Sudanese, who demonstrated in the streets.

In Khartoum, residents of the Sudanese capital sing the country’s national anthem to confront the military behind the coup. An almost festive atmosphere which quickly degenerates when the soldiers decide to take action. Shots ring out. At the end of these shots, three dead and nearly 80 wounded are recorded. The army seems to have returned to power, to the chagrin of the citizens. Previously, it was a transitional government that ruled the country, divided between the people and the army.

The arrest of the Sudanese head of state and his ministers jeopardizes the country’s efforts to become a stable democracy. For the inhabitants, it is a real blow. “We will not go back to what we experienced with the dictatorship“Says a protester. The situation also worries the international community. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN, called for the immediate release of the Prime Minister and the arrested officials. A state of emergency has been declared throughout the country. .

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