Concern around the arrival of a boat flying the Russian flag at Stopover in Sète

The organizers of Stopover in Sète are afraid of amalgams. The gathering of tall ships will take place from April 12 to 18. Among them, the Shtandart, a ship flying the Russian flag. That is to say who sails with the Russian flag hoisted at the top of the mast because it was registered in Saint-Petersburg and that he has the administrative obligation. Except that the crew, partly Ukrainian, does not support Vladimir Putin at all and would not want anyone to believe otherwise.

Ludovic Pacciarella, liaison officer on the boat, underlines that the crew supports Ukraine. He explains that a humanitarian convoy has been organised: “We had contacts with the Ukrainian authorities who helped us carry out this mission. We took first aid equipment to the front lines. Tourniquets, pressure dressings, morphine, medication for those who have cancer and who can no longer treat themselves.” A humanitarian operation which will be renewed on Monday March 28.

Avoid amalgams

Both event organizers and sailors want to avoid confusion. Ludovic Pacciarella has fear of outbursts that there could be if he comes to Sète: “All it takes is a free spirit who does justice himself and who sabotages the ship for us. That’s why we ask the authorities to keep a watchful eye during our stays in French ports. Especially since it doesn’t there is no need to be, we are a vessel of peace.”

The director of the Stopover association in Sète, Wolfgang Idiri, shares his fears. “The risk is the amalgam. It is that we have a madman who thinks he can harm those who make war attacking this boat which has nothing to do with it .” Especially since he assures us: “The Shtandart will fly the Russian and Ukrainian flag to come. But he is obliged to keep the Russian flag because he does not yet have the authorization of the Russian administration to remove it.” Captain Vladimir Martus is himself Russian-Ukrainian. He too calls for no hasty deductions and supports the Ukrainian people.

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