Compulsory overtime | The FIQ files a complaint with a UN agency

(Montreal) After having tried practically everything to put an end to the TSO – compulsory overtime – the FIQ is trying everything for everything, by filing a complaint with the International Labor Organization, a UN agency.

Posted at 9:33 a.m.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

In its complaint, the Interprofessional Health Federation invokes Conventions 29 and 105 which relate to forced labor and which were signed by Canada.

In an interview with The Canadian Press on Friday, the president of the FIQ, Julie Bouchard, said that she finds it important that the authorities have to answer for their management and, if necessary, that they be the subject of recommendations from the International Labor Organization — which will make them “very uncomfortable,” she said.

For meme Bouchard, there is no doubt that the OSI is akin to forced or compulsory labour. In one of the affidavits in support of the complaint, the vice-president of the FIQ, Nathalie Lévesque, reports having “witnessed blackmail, intimidation and threats made by certain managers to impose work”.

Before filing a complaint with the ILO, the FIQ had contacted successive Quebec governments, the labor court, professional orders, without success. Its members had also held “days without TSO” in 2019 and 2021. Similarly, no less than 25,000 grievances were filed against the use of the TSO.

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