Composting with Charlotte Rochette, composting project manager at the scop les épigées in Chambéry

Composting your bio-waste means:

Reduce the amount of waste in my bins and therefore those treated by the community by 30%

Prevent my bio-waste composed of 80% water from being incinerated (or buried)

Ensure a return to the soil of organic matter as close as possible to the point of use

Feed my garden or planters with the compost produced

· Save on the purchase of potting soil and on the removal tax for my garbage cans (incentive fee)

Share a project with my neighbors and revitalize life in my neighborhood

More information on composting on the site: Les épigées, new name of Compost ‘Action

Discover the events organized as part of the Tous au Compost operation on the Tous au Compost website

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