complicated end-of-year celebrations


France 2

Article written by

M. September, L. Soudre, O. Briand, C. Madini – France 2

France Televisions

In Great Britain, where contamination rates have been skyrocketing for several days, many French nationals living in London wish to be able to reunite with their families for the holidays. It all becomes much more complicated.

On leaving a French school in London, Friday, December 17, parents rush to pick up their children as soon as possible, to return to France before the new restrictions are put in place. A race against time for French expatriates. Monster traffic jams to take the ferries to Dover, and to the station of St. Pancras, the queue to board the last Eurostars of the day, spans more thanone kilometer.

For the others, those who could not return before the tightening of the measures, it is the start of a new puzzle so as not to have to spend the holidays blocked in the United Kingdom. A coup de déjà vu for the some 250,000 French expatriates in the UK, with the end of the year celebrations once again a source of stress.

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