Completely Unplugged — A “Macintosh Moment” for Virtual Reality?

Apple could unveil on June 5 what would be according to many rumors its first virtual and augmented reality headset. This may be the last chance for this technology to finally seduce the general public. A former Apple employee who specializes in the thing thinks it will be a “Macintosh moment” for virtual reality.

“Apple will introduce a new high-end device that targets large enterprises and the telecommuting market. For three years, we have discovered that a Zoom call to 20 people is far from effective. But in “co-presence” in a virtual environment? For me, this will be the killer app virtual reality. »

At this stage, these words are only conjectures and speculations. But guessing and speculating is a big part of everyday life for professionals and businesses whose jobs and incomes depend on Apple products. There are many: the App Store generates billions of dollars for the creators of applications on Mac, iPhone, Apple TV, Apple Watch,…


From Kickstarter to Apple

The one who makes his remarks is called Bertrand Nepveu. Bertrand and three of his engineering friends at the University of Sherbrooke created in 2014 a revolutionary headset combining virtual reality and augmented reality, the Totem. Their company was called Vrvana. The project was introduced to the public (and a few representatives of the media at the time…) on the Kickstarter online funding platform, where… it crashed.

In 2014, the general public was not ready for virtual reality. But the Totem got people talking. Enough to energize the quartet, which continued its efforts, so that two years later, Bertrand came into contact with people at Apple interested in this emerging technology.

Almost ten years later, it is still emerging. Not much more than that. But it is ripe to finally hatch, assures Bertrand Nepveu. “I know what’s coming. I can’t talk too much about it. But it might be typical of an Apple product. Everything that bugs people about virtual reality headsets will be eliminated. It will be very intuitive. »

It won’t be as big as the iPhone, that’s for sure, continues the connoisseur. If it sells a million copies, it will already be beautiful, according to him. It will be more like the Mac: Steve Jobs had to show the Mac to Bill Gates so that Windows could see the light of day. Everyone has benefited from it since.

“This time around, Apple is going to show something other than just VR gaming, and that’s going to make Meta take it more seriously. »

During the Google and Microsoft conferences, the big bosses of American techno spoke only of artificial intelligence. Even Meta changed its tune earlier this year by burying its famous metaverse in favor of the AI. Apple did not receive the memo…

“killer app”

During the Google and Microsoft conferences, the big bosses of American techno spoke only of artificial intelligence. Even Meta changed its tune earlier this year by burying its famous metaverse in favor of the AI.

Apple did not receive the memo… But Apple, it should be remembered, is the listed company whose value is currently the greatest. It is US$2.8 trillion. 2875 billion. That’s a bit more than Microsoft, at US$2.5 trillion.

Part of this business success relies on the company’s ability to take the right risk at the right time. Then to very severely protect the market it has managed to create.

Rumors about a virtual reality headset from Apple point to a device not so different from a headset from Meta, HTC or Sony: wireless, with a high resolution display for each of the two eyes, cameras and wall-to-wall sensors and a processor powerful enough to drive apps similar to those found on an iPad or iPhone.

Moreover, it would be compatible from the start with applications for iPhone and iPad. The user could manipulate them using hand and finger movements. In video calls, his 3D avatar would replicate his facial expressions and posture. All the non-verbal that is currently missing from virtual reality environments.

The retail price of this headset would be over US$2000. Its market launch is scheduled for the end of the year.

This is where the risk arises: Apple hopes that someone will create the famous ” killer app “. The application that will transform into something really useful a technology that would otherwise remain a mere overpriced gadget.

Quebec waiting

This application-of-death could be Quebec.

In 2007, when Steve Jobs, on stage in Cupertino, raised his hand with, in his palm, a funny little phone that had no keyboard, it only interested mobile computing enthusiasts. Today, an entire industry is hoping to see Tim Cook, the heir apparent to Jobs, raise his hand and unveil a virtual reality headset.

Artists, programmers, entrepreneurs and investors will be seated at the end of their seats on Monday, June 5 in the early afternoon. Millions of dollars are at stake. They will spy on the actions of senior Apple executives and hope to live, too, a moment that they want to be unique. A “Macintosh moment”, as Bertrand Nepveu anticipates.

Things have changed a lot since 2007…

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