complete the work on your house to save money


Video length: 3 mins.

France 2

Article written by

C.De La Guérivière, A.Delcourt A.Brodin – France 2

France Televisions

New concept that is attracting more and more people to become owners, self-finishing houses are delivered with the bulk of the work already done and it is up to the owner to finish them. With interest rates rising and prices soaring, this is a solution that has met with great success.

After years of research, around Dole (Jura), Mylène Hoppe and Alexandre Tremeau have just become owners. An unexpected find for the couple. A house at 190,000 euros, 30% cheaper than the market price, because it is not yet finished. Only the wall and the roof have been built, the rest is up to them. All materials are supplied with instructions. Not particularly do-it-yourselfers, they hope to complete the work in nine months.

A foreman comes to check the progress of the construction site

“I thought it was more complicated than that, but it’s still within everyone’s reach”, says the new owner as he handles the pipes of his new well. But for electricity, the stress goes up a bit. However, they are not totally abandoned, the builder’s supervisor comes regularly to check the connections. “My role is not just to reassure, it’s to enforce all the standards, all the little details (…) that go to the proper functioning”, explains Kevin Lejour. Dozens of ready-to-finish houses are springing up in the region and real estate agents have made it their specialty.

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