“Complementary investigation” reveals François Fillon’s approach to Russia, after his defeat in the 2017 presidential election

For an issue devoted to Vladimir Putin’s networks in France, “Complément d’Enquête” obtained documents attesting to confidential alliances and very high-level contacts. They were provided to him by Dossier Center, a foundation created by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a former oligarch and historical opponent of Putin’s regime. Its London-based team is renowned for its contacts within the Russian state itself.

One of these documents, dated February 2019, comes from the Russian Embassy in Paris. He mentions a request from former French Prime Minister François Fillon. After an interview with Putin, he wants an appointment with the boss of the giant Gazprom. François Fillon, it is written, “asks for help to meet Alexeï Miller, with whom he would like to discuss the following subjects : a sponsorship project for a football team, discussed with Vladimir Putin in December, and Nord Stream 2″.

A context where François Fillon is right on time

Nord Stream 2, this controversial giant gas pipeline project which wants to supply Europe with Russian gas without passing through Ukraine, is then in a crucial phase. “The Russians need the help of European leaders to promote the project”, we are told at the NGO Dossier Center. In this context, François Fillon is the right man. He “has influence, he knows France from the inside, he has contacts… All of this is essential for doing business with Europe, and for influencing political life”. A few months after his meeting with Putin, he landed three appointments with the very powerful boss of Gazprom, Alexei Miller.

We do not know if François Fillon was remunerated by Gazprom. But in 2021 he is offered two directorships in Russia: one at the oil company Zarubezhneft, the other in petrochemicals, at Sibur. The estimated remuneration for these two positions would be at least 80,000 euros per year. Beautiful positions, recognizes Alexandre Orlov, former Russian ambassador to France, in exchange for which a counterpart is expected, in terms of economic relations, and influence… “in the right direction”. François Fillon did not wish to answer questions from journalist Laure Pollez on this subject. Four days after the start of the war in Ukraine, in the face of general outrage, he left the board of directors of the two Russian companies – without receiving anything, according to him, of the sums promised.

Extract of “France: the Putin networks”, a document to see in “Complementary investigation” on October 27, 2022.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.

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