Complaints against MP Frédéric Beauchemin fall

The complaints for psychological harassment against the Liberal MP for Marguerite-Bourgeoys, Frédéric Beauchemin, fell after a mediation process between the two parties.

“At the end of this mediation process, all complaints and allegations were withdrawn by mutual agreement between all parties involved, both in the PLQ and in the National Assembly of Quebec,” indicated the Liberal Party of Quebec ( PLQ) in a press release.

According to information from The Canadian PressMr. Beauchemin should likely be reinstated to the Liberal caucus on Friday.

The MP was excluded from the caucus last October after complaints of psychological harassment were filed against him by the president of the party’s youth wing, Élyse Moisan. She alleged that she felt harassed, intimidated and threatened by Mr. Beauchemin’s team.

A complaint had been filed with the whip of the official opposition, Filomena Rotiroti, under the Policy relating to the prevention and management of situations of harassment at work of the National Assembly, where Mme Moisan works as a researcher.

A second complaint was sent to the Legal Commission of the PLQ.

The MP has always maintained that he has nothing to reproach himself for in this story.

Mr. Beauchemin is for the moment the only one who has shown an interest in taking over from Dominique Anglade as leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec.

The MP campaigned for the chiefdom to be triggered quickly, but it was rather the camp favorable to a race in 2025 which won.

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