Competition Bureau | Rogers and Shaw agreed to an interim injunction

(Gatineau) The Competition Bureau said Monday that Rogers Communications and Shaw Communications have agreed to an interim injunction that prevents them from completing their proposed $26 billion merger until the Competition Tribunal has heard and ruled on the challenge filed by the commissioner.

Posted at 5:34 p.m.

According to the regulator, Rogers and Shaw also agreed to the Commissioner of Competition’s request for an expedited hearing before the Tribunal.

Rogers has also agreed not to limit Shaw’s ability to operate, maintain, improve or expand its wireless business.

On May 9, the regulator filed a request to block Rogers’ purchase of Shaw, arguing that the deal would cause service to deteriorate and drive up prices for consumers.

He also alleged that Shaw’s withdrawal as a competitor would reverse the progress made in competition in the Canadian telecommunications sector over the years.

Earlier this month, Rogers and Shaw announced they would defend their deal and fight the commissioner’s efforts to block it.

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