“Competent”, “humane”, “authoritarian”… What the French think of their boss, according to a study

A large majority of workers define their boss with a positive adjective, according to a study published by the learning site Preply in May.


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A job interview.  (VINCENT HAZAT / MAXPPP)

The image ofEIs the root of the employee who complains about his boss proven? Not really if we are to believe a study on the daily lives of French people at work carried out by Preply, an online English course platform, and published online in mid-May*. According to this survey carried out on 1,500 employees, a large majority of them have “tendency to attribute a positive adjective to their boss”. Word “competent” is the one that stands out the most, among 18.3% of respondents. 17.1% of French people surveyed have found their boss “trustworthy”17% to qualify it as“human” or 14.4% to define it as “respectful”.

Only a minority of workers responded with negative adjectives: 6.1% deplored the side “contemptuous” and 5.5% the side “authoritarian” of their boss. And only 4.1% of respondents found their superior “incompetent”. So, unsurprisingly, the French workers surveyed believe that they have a very good relationship with their boss.notes Preply. “Almost a quarter of them, 26.64%, rate it at 8/10 and more than three quarters, 76.7%, do not give a rating lower than 7/10. There are only 1 .4% to give the lowest rating, 1/10″also reports the survey.

More generally, respondents describe their daily work life positively, with 26% finding it “enriching” or almost 20% estimating it “stimulating”. Negative adjectives represent around a third of the responses, with 17.3% of “routine” or 14.3% of “stressful”.

*Methodology :

Preply, the online English course platform, conducted this study by carrying out a survey to collect 1,500 responses from employees across 10 major cities in France: with a quota of 150 people per city. The questions concerned, among other things, the appreciation of the daily experience at work, the relationship with the boss as well as a word to describe the two elements mentioned, etc… Preply chose several positive or negative sounding words to determine the feelings of the respondents. The platform then collected the data and analyzed the results.

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