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Thursday, June 2, the victims of pedophile priests learned that they could receive up to 60,000 euros in compensation. A sum that seems derisory in the face of the trauma experienced.
The Church has instructed a body to set compensation for victims of rape and sexual assault committed by priests. A ceiling of 60,000 euros has been announced for the most serious cases. “We can’t put numbers on a suffering (…) 60,000 euros, no it’s not possible”, says Luc Gemet of the association of sexual abusers within the Church – all together, who was raped from the age of 8 to 15. The facts being prescribed, he cannot go to court.
“It is to say to the prescribed victims, you are sub-victims. You are not entitled to the same compensation”says Me Jean Sannier, lawyer for victims of priests. “We have retained three axes: the axes of the facts experienced (…)the axes of the failures of the Church and the consequences in the life of the person”justifies Marie Derain, jurist and president of the independent national body for recognition and reparation, wanted by the bishops.