compensation for victims drags on, “as if we were ripping off the money!”, they denounce

The discussion promises to be heated at the end of the afternoon. The president of Inirr, the main body responsible for reparations for acts of pedocrime in the Church, receives the associations of victims at 5:30 p.m. in Paris. Eight months after the creation of this structure, several collectives denounce its slowness and even its “amateurism”.

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Raped by a priest at the age of 10 Thierry* seized the Independent National Authority for Recognition and Reparation (Inirr) at the end of January. After four months of silence, a volunteer referent sends him an email. She is expecting him for a telephone appointment the same day. “She is a former shrink who is 80 years old. Even if the person is benevolent, we feel that it is quite unstructured, that the subject goes a little in all directions.”

“They tell me right away that you shouldn’t expect to be a millionaire. It’s amateurism.”

Thierry, victim of a pedophile priest

at franceinfo

Another victim mentions exchanges limited to two phone calls of 10 and 5 minutes and an examination of his file constantly postponed.

In Vendée, an 84-year-old man died in early June, without a response to his request for compensation, which was processed urgently. “It’s annoying because it drags, it drags, it drags…annoys Jean-Pierre Sautereau who leads the collective of victims 85. In the field of financial compensation, it’s as if she didn’t want to, as if we were ripping off the money!”

In particular, the classification of rape in 5 on a scale of 10 of seriousness of the facts. Several associations are asking the Inirr to review its compensation grid and professionalize the monitoring. Nine referents, including seven volunteers, now handle more than 700 files. The Inirr promises new recruitments.

Created by the episcopate after the publication in the fall of the report by Jean-Marc Sauvé which documented the extent of pedocrime in the Church since 1950, the Inirr began to receive requests in January. As of May 31, 736 victims had seized it. As of June 10, the body will have ruled on ten cases. The victims will be paid a transfer by a fund ad hoc. This repair may go as far as “maximum amount” of “60,000 euros”, an amount which “located in the very upper range of civil justice compensation”, claims the instance.

*first name changed

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