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Some companies allow their employees to choose their salary. A different management. But is it effective? Here are some answers.
Salary is no longer a taboo question. In a Parisian software start-up, it’s time for a meeting. For an hour, each in turn, the 300 employees will set their own salary in front of their colleagues. “It means that in case of disagreement with your manager or with me, you have the last word”says a manager. An employee takes the floor and asks for 58,000 euros a year, because of her seniority and her market value. Despite some reservations from a manager, this sum will be awarded to him.
“In terms of employee engagement, it’s really very interesting”continues the manager. End of the meeting, everyone knows the salary of his colleague, and this method does not displease them. In an other company visited by France 2, each employee also knows the salary of his colleague thanks to a salary grid displayed and accessible to all. For the company, this transparency is even an asset for recruiting.