Companies: who can benefit from value sharing?


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

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Sharing the profits of a company with its employees is called value sharing. The deputies are working today on a bill. Details with journalist Sophie Lanson, present on the set of 12/13, Monday June 26.

Who will be affected by the value sharing?First companies with 11 to 49 employees. From 2024, if they are profitable, they will have to redistribute, that means offering a profit-sharing or profit-sharing scheme, but it can also be an employee savings plan or the payment of a value-sharing bonus.details journalist Sophie Lanson, present on the set of 12/13, Monday June 26.

86% of companies chose the value sharing bonus in 2022

For this to work, the business must be profitable. “The text considers that a company is profitable if its net profit is equal to at least 1% of its turnover for three years”continues the journalist. Good news for employees, but beware: this does not represent an additional salary.In 2022, of the small businesses that redistributed, 86% of them preferred the value-sharing bonus. The tool is tax-exempt and exempt from social security contributions. 19% had chosen to set up a profit-sharing or participation“, adds Sophie Lanson.

Large companies, with more than 50 employees, could possibly receive an additional bonus.

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