companies innovate for animal welfare


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Pets have become an important market in France, and companies have understood this well. Journalist Dorothée Lachaud, present on Friday December 10 on the 13 Hours set, sheds light on this.

First of all, are the French more of a dog or a cat? “Very clearly cats”, indicates the journalist Dorothée Lachaud, present Friday, December 10 on the set of 13 Hours. There are indeed 14.2 million dogs in France, against 7.6 million dogs, or nearly double. In total, one in two households has at least one pet. The French spend a lot on them. “On average, for a dog, the annual budget is 800 euros, and 600 euros for a cat. These expenses are increasing: + 6%, just last year”, continues the journalist

Companies in the animal sector have understood this well, and are benefiting from it. Dorothée Lachaud presents two innovations: the first is a feed dispenser for overweight animals. The animal can activate it by rolling it on the ground, which allows it to do physical activity, and to ingest its food more slowly. The second is a box to be attached to the animal’s collar. “It is about a GPS tracker which allows you, thanks to an application on your mobile phone, to know its position”, reports Dorothée Lachaud. In England, a platform has been created to help dogs overcome loneliness and boredom. Amazon Prime and Spotify have also developed programs for animals.

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