companies are switching to refurbished computer equipment


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

L. Campisi, J.-M. Mier, F. Fontaine – France 3

France Televisions

It’s a way to benefit from lower prices and above all to do good for the planet. From now on, even companies are equipped with second-hand computers.

They sometimes represent more than half of a company’s expenses. Computers, keyboards and mice are essential for professionals. They now also buy it second-hand. A Nantes company has chosen to reuse 20% of its appliances. Its computers are always compatible with the software necessary for the proper functioning of the company. For the group, the interest is mainly economic. Refurbished is up to two times cheaper than new.

Divide your carbon footprint by five

Nearly one in three companies has now taken the step of reconditioned. Faced with exploding demand, a refurbisher has doubled its activity in one year. His warehouse is overflowing with computers awaiting processing. In the workshops, the devices are sorted, cleaned, inspected and then reset. Defective parts are replaced. Beyond the economic aspect, the environment has become an additional argument for companies. The use of reconditioned equipment makes it possible to divide its carbon footprint by five.

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