President of the regional council of La Réunion, Huguette Bello is a “hyphenate” candidate for Matignon, according to Fabien Roussel’s entourage.
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After five days of negotiations, the left still cannot agree on a candidate for the post of Prime Minister. In an attempt to unblock the discussions, the communists proposed, on Friday, July 12, the name of Huguette Bello, president of the regional council of La Réunion.
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“We are really in favour of exploring the Huguette Bello track. She has all the assets. Woman, overseas, experience, local elected official, parliamentarian for twenty-three years, a lot of authority”, confirms to franceinfo a member of the French Communist Party. “This will allow us to get out of the sterile deadlock of the last few days. It was proposed by Fabien Roussel, La France Insoumise seems in favour of it”, adds this source.
Little known to the general public, Huguette Bello is close to both the rebels and the communists. This loyal follower of Jean-Luc Mélenchon was a communist MP and candidate on Manon Aubry’s rebel list in the European elections, in a non-eligible position.