“Since Emmanuel Macron has been President of the Republic, ministers have primarily a decorative function,” says Ian Brossat, Saturday January 6 on franceinfo.
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“I expect absolutely nothing from all this”declared Ian Brossat on Saturday January 6 on franceinfo when he was asked if a possible government reshuffle could change the orientations of Emmanuel Macron’s second five-year term. “Since Emmanuel Macron has been President of the Republic, ministers have primarily a decorative function”criticized the senator from Paris and spokesperson for the French Communist Party (PCF).
Ian Brossat therefore does not expect any significant change in government, “like the vast majority of French people”, he judges. The senator thinks that major political decisions must also be played out “a bit also in Bercy”, but that’s all. For the rest of the ministers appointed since 2017, “the vast majority of them are of absolutely no use.”
To justify himself, the PCF spokesperson explains that “it is not because we replace a right-wing minister with another right-wing personality, to implement a right-wing policy, consistent with what has been implemented for years now, that it will change anything or to the situation of the French”.
Ministers “all on the right”
At Paris City Hall, the former deputy mayor in charge of Housing believes he has “worked alongside three or four housing ministers” since Emmanuel Macron became President of the Republic. Ian Brossat says: “Every time I met them, they told me that they completely agreed with what I said, that they were going to implement a certain number of reforms, then, afterward, nothing happened. for nothing. Why? Because it wasn’t them who decided.”
In reality, since Emmanuel Macron has been President of the Republic, everything has been decided at the Élysée.
Ian Brossat, PCF senator from Parison franceinfo
And regardless of the political label administered to people who enter Emmanuel Macron’s government, they are all “of right” according to Ian Brossat, since “When you do politics, you are first judged based on what you do.” Example with Elisabeth Borne, “we were told here is a personality classified on the left”recalls the Parisian senator, who nevertheless believes that the current head of government “will go down in history as the Prime Minister who implemented national preference with the immigration law ; like the Prime Minister who crushed the will of the French by imposing a pension reform which was refused by 80% of workers in our country.”