Common Front unions will meet to study the proposed agreement

Bodies from the various unions that make up the Public Sector Common Front will begin meeting on Wednesday to study the proposed agreement in principle that was reached on December 28 regarding the renewal of collective agreements.

For the moment, these are intermediary bodies of the unions affiliated with the large organizations concerned — CSN, CSQ, APTS and FTQ — and not general assemblies of members. Workers’ assemblies should follow starting in mid-January, since it is the members who must ultimately decide.

For example, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, which is affiliated with the FTQ, will meet its body on Wednesday to study the proposed agreement.

The Quebec Union of Service Employees, affiliated with the FTQ, will meet its local executive committees on Thursday.

The Federation of Health and Social Services, affiliated with the CSN, will meet its bodies on Thursday and Friday.

The content of this proposed regulation has not been filtered, except for the duration of the possible contract, i.e. five years, from 2023 to 2028. This discretion is usual, with unions keeping the news for their members when they have right at the same time to explanations and details, when holding general meetings to vote.

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