Common front strike: “The unions must come down from their pedestal”, Monique Jérôme-Forget

Monique Jérôme-Forget has only one message to send to the Common Front: “We will have to be more serious than that”. The former president of the Treasury Board under Jean Charest believes that the unions should put water in their wine in order to find a way out of the crisis.

Speaking to Alexandre Dubé, via QUB radio, she said she was surprised by the Common Front’s request to increase salaries by 21%. This is an unrealistic request given the inflationary context affecting Canada.

“Inflation is a cancer,” said Ms. Jérôme-Forget. It affects all Quebecers and Canadians.”

The former politician believes that unions must listen to the signals sent by the government. She points out that the services that are offered by civil servants are in fact services paid for by taxpayers.

“Government money is all of our money,” she said.

Three new strike dates have been announced by the Common Front.

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