Comments by an RN deputy on the OAS, Finance Committee, right to abortion … Marine Le Pen’s 8:30 a.m. franceinfo

Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally deputies in the National Assembly, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Wednesday June 29, 2022. Right to abortion, finance committee … She answered questions from Neïla Latrous and Marc Fauvelle.

Comment by RN deputy José Gonzalez on French Algeria: “It’s not a slippage”

The words of Dean RN José Gonzalez on the OAS “is not a skid”, says Marine Le Pen. Tuesday June 28, José Gonzalez, elected RN of Bouches-du-Rhône, sparked a controversy by evoking French Algeria, his native land to which he was “snatch” in 1962, at independence. “I left a part of my France there”says this black foot born in Oran.

“He gave a very nice speech” inaugural in the National Assembly and “He held his position as dean with great dignity”, she assured. After this speech, RN deputy José Gonzalez, 79, explained to journalists that it was not up to him to judge whether the OAS “committed crimes or not.”

Inscription of abortion in the Constitution: “It’s a political diversion”

Marine Le Pen ensures that “the right to abortion is not questioned by anyone”. MP RN reacted to Renaissance’s proposal to include the right to abortion in the French Constitution. “Are we the 51st state in the United States?”, she is surprised, while a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States put an end to the constitutional right to abortion on Friday June 24. Marine Le Pen accuses Emmanuel Macron’s Renaissance party of “political diversion”.

Finance Committee: “The result is in the hands of LR deputies”

Marine Le Pen spoke about the battle around the presidency of the Finance Committee at the National Assembly. “The result is in the hands of the LR deputies: do you want to have Mr. Coquerel, who is the most radical far left?”challenged the president of the RN group to the National Assembly.

“We want to have the presidency of this commission because traditionally it is the first opposition party to which this commission presidency falls, it’s as simple as that”indicates the former far-right presidential candidate.

Purchasing power: “a tax on the superprofits” of war profiteers

“The war allowed a number of companies to make superprofits”assures the president of the RN group in the National Assembly Marine Le Pen, in agreement with Emmanuel Macron who accuses gas and oil producers of being “war profiteers”. “These superprofits must be taxed in order to be able to finance measures to support the purchasing power of the French”believes Marine Le Pen. “It’s a healthy, fair approach and which obviously makes it possible not to increase the debt or to consider, as the French government seems to be doing, tax increases”she continues.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Wednesday June 29, 2022:

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