Commemorations of November 11, made in France fair, Covid-19 in Germany … Franceinfo informed of Thursday, November 11, 2021

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Olivier de Lagarde to decipher the news of Thursday, November 11:

– Virginie Le Guay, épolitical columnist

– Clement Pétreault, jpolitical journalist and society at Point

– Nathalie Mauret, political journalist at the Paris office of the Ebra group

– Mathieu Gallard, dDirector of Studies in the Public Affairs Department at Ipsos

The themes

– Commemorations of November 11 : 103 years after the end of the First World War, France paid tribute to its fallen soldiers. Are we commemorating too much in France?

– The tribute of Emmanuel Macron : a ceremony that can help the President of the Republic in his future re-election campaign?

– Opening of the made in France fair : on franceinfo, Yves Jégo proposes to reserve 25% of public markets for French products. Is it possible ? How to get the country’s reindustrialisation back on track?

– The number of Covid patients explodes in Germany : How to explain the delay against the spread of the virus across the Rhine?

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