Comedian Yannick De Martino is forced to cancel shows after major jaw surgery

Yannick De Martino has been in bad shape for a few weeks. Via the Facebook page of the Festival d’humour emergent en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (FHE), the comedian announced that he had to withdraw for his participation scheduled for 1er July, due to recent surgery. “My condition being fluctuating and the deadlines too short, we had to resign ourselves to having to find me a replacement for this edition.”

1er Last May, Yannick De Martino underwent surgery called a bi-maxillary osteotomy “to correct a problem that I had been dragging on for a long time and which was starting to create new problems and pain for me”.

The comedian explains in a long Facebook message that this operation basically consists of “breaking your face to adjust it in the most optimal way possible and then, we fix it in the new position with plates that we drill through your face.

However, the surgeons would not, it seems, explain to him precisely how this operation would take place. “Otherwise I might have, how to say, let it happen.”

Yannick De Martino then recounts that he had a rather painful first month post-operation, “with his face swollen, almost like Mario Bros at Super Nint when he eats a balloon to fly… I looked like people who have suffered failed cosmetic surgeries.

He says he is better now. He started talking again and “eating slack”.

His current problem is that a screw has moved and needs to be adjusted. “I have the same problems as an old robot.”

It was not until August 30 that this screw was removed. “It’s only that day that I’ll know if I should have the whole plate changed under general anesthesia or just the screw under local anesthesia. Let’s say that I would much prefer scenario B.”

The comedian’s manager, Jeff Bathurst, told the Log that Yannick De Martino will not miss his engagements at ComediHa! Fest-Québec scheduled for August. “Everything will go as planned. It is only the FHE and a few shows or evenings that have been canceled or postponed.

The FHE has announced that Jean-Michel Martel will replace Yannick De Martino on the 1er July.

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