Comedian Kyan Khojandi publishes a video on Reims before a show at the Arena

Here is a great initiative from Kyan Khojandi. The actor from Reims, known in particular for having co-created and played in the series Bref a few years ago, for his shows “A good moment
” and “Hot Ones
” broadcast on Youtube and for his stage comedy shows, returned to his hometown in mid-September to shoot a short clip. The result was published on Tuesday October 4 on Youtube and is simply called “Memories of Reims”.

A stroll through the streets of Reims

We see the actor and humorist in the streets of Reims, recounting his childhood memories. The outings with friends at FNAC, the first kisses, the first rakes. Several Reims institutions also appear in this 2 minute 13 video : The GinPamp, the Congress Centre, the Halles du Boulingrin, the battery box, the TUR ticket…

At the end of the clip, Kyan Khojandi ends his remarks on the roof of the Reims Arenainaugurated in 2022: “There remains a place where I still have no memory.” The actor gives an appointment to his audience for his visit to Reims on January 19, 2023. The actor will play his last solo on stage, “A good evening”

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