Come and discover and taste wines with dishes at the Ambonnay Wine and Gastronomy Fair!

At the end of October, the charming little village of Ambonnay will host its traditional wine and gastronomy fair. Come in large numbers to discover winegrowers and craftsmen who are proud and happy to share with you their love of good and delicious!

Organized by the local firefighters’ association, the Ambonnay wine and gastronomy fair will take place October 21, 22 and 23.

A unique and privileged moment to meet producers and winegrowers in the region, learn more about their products, and taste them!

More than 30 exhibitors will be present during this event located in Ambonnay.

Wines, terrines, pâtés… there will be enough to spend an excellent time, with family or friends, as friendly as it is inviting you to discover the Champagne region!

Admission is set at 5 euros. On the event’s Facebook page, you can find the timetables and other useful information.

Alcohol should be consumed in moderation.

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