colored dots to indicate the energy situation during the weather


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From Monday, October 3, France Télévisions weather reports will be accompanied by an energy forecast. Small colored dots will indicate the current energy situation.

New in the weather reports from France Television. From Monday, October 3, each weather report will end with an update on the country’s energy situation via three colored dots. The color green means that there is no problem, the orange one will warn that the network is tense and that an eco-gesture is welcome while the red dot will alert on a very tense network and a probable power cut.

To limit the risk of power cuts, some eco-gestures will be welcome. Among them, the use of household appliances outside peak hours, avoiding leaving digital devices on standby or avoiding charging your mobile phone between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. Closing shutters and curtains can also prevent heat loss.

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