“The fear of hearing bad news” is the main obstacle, underlines its general director Thierry Breton. But early detection “allows us to have a treatment that is much more effective, much less disabling, which can avoid chemotherapy,” he insists.
Reading time: 3 min

“Colorectal cancer is cured nine times out of ten when it is detected early,” Thierry Breton, director general of the National Cancer Institute, recalled on Monday May 13 on franceinfo that France is the bad student in Europe for cancer prevention and screening, according to a report from the European Cancer Organization. “We very much hope that in the coming years, we will have participation rates which will be close to the European objectives”, he hoped. While France obtains very good results in treating cancers, it is behind in the detection of breast cancer and colorectal cancer. For the latter, “the situation is bad”, while “you can collect your kit from your pharmacist or order it online”recalled Thierry Breton. “Facilities which, we hope, will convince the French tomorrow.”
franceinfo: Are these results that surprise you?
Thierry Breton: We indeed regret that participation is too low. We are working a lot to convince French people to participate in these screening programs. We very much hope that in the coming years, we will have participation rates which will be close to the European objectives. Our challenge is really to raise awareness, convince and facilitate access. For example, for colorectal cancer, you can collect your kit from your pharmacist or order it online. These are facilities which, we hope, tomorrow, will convince the French to undertake this test which is very very simple.
From the age of 50, you receive reminders from Health Insurance. It’s not enough ?
Indeed, there is a course where you receive an invitation. You can also find out more on the website that we have set up: jefaismondepistage.e-cancer.fr. It gives you all the necessary information. On colorectal cancer, it allows you to order your kit online. It also gives you radiologists who are certified for breast cancer screening. These are really elements that are facilitating elements. It’s 100% supported. Most of the time, this ensures that there is nothing wrong. When unfortunately there is something, it allows us to have a treatment which is much more effective, much less disabling, which can avoid chemotherapy. If we take the example of colorectal cancer, it is cured nine times out of ten when it is detected early.
How do you explain this delay, then?
There is the fear of hearing bad news. For breast cancer, if we count all the screenings, organized screening, individualized screening, we are between 50 and 55%. It’s not enough, but it’s not that catastrophic. I obviously invite all women to participate. It’s a moment that’s not particularly pleasant, but once every two years, it helps ensure that there’s nothing wrong. And if there is something, to be able to immediately do a treatment that will be lighter. On colorectal screening, unfortunately, the situation is bad. We have around 30% participation. We have worked a lot on access issues. Some time ago you had to go to your GP with difficulty in certain areas to remove your kit. Now you can find it at your pharmacist and you can order it online.
Can medical deserts and lack of staff explain this delay?
For breast cancer screening, an appointment that takes place every two years, which is not an emergency appointment, it is still possible to do a mammogram without too much difficulty, even if it may take a little time depending on the region, depending on the availability of radiologists. The subject is really that everyone realizes that it must be done. For colorectal cancer, it is completely independent of the demographics of the professionals since you can order the kit online or go to your pharmacist. You can also talk to your doctor. All channels to access screening programs are open. We must help the French to take this step. We really need to seize the opportunities we have put in place to participate and engage in these programs.