Colorectal Cancer: 5 Warning Signs That Require Immediate Colonoscopy

Colorectal cancer ranks as the third most common cancer in men and second in women in France, with 47,582 new cases reported in 2023. While rates are declining in older adults, instances among those under 50 are rising sharply. Key symptoms to watch for include rectal bleeding, persistent bowel habit changes, unexplained abdominal pain, sudden weight loss, and iron deficiency anemia. Regular screenings are vital, particularly for individuals aged 50 to 74, but younger individuals with symptoms should also seek medical advice.

Understanding Colorectal Cancer in France

Colorectal cancer, encompassing cancers of both the colon and rectum, ranks as the third most prevalent cancer among men and the second among women in France. As we enter Blue March, an annual initiative dedicated to raising awareness about this disease, it’s essential to review its current impact. In 2023, official figures indicate that there were 47,582 new diagnoses, with men accounting for 26,212 cases and women for 21,370. The average age of diagnosis stands at 71 years for men and 72 for women.

Rising Awareness of Symptoms and Screening

While colorectal cancer rates are declining in older populations, there’s a troubling trend of increasing cases among younger adults. Recent research highlights that the incidence of this cancer has nearly doubled in individuals under 50 in recent years. This alarming rise emphasizes the need for heightened awareness of symptoms, irrespective of age, and the importance of regular screenings. What are the key signs of colorectal cancer to be mindful of? Here are five critical symptoms that should prompt you to seek medical attention:

1. Rectal Bleeding
Seeing blood in your stool, whether bright red or dark, is a symptom that warrants immediate attention. While conditions like hemorrhoids might be the cause, it’s vital to rule out more serious issues. Dr. Reid Ness, an associate professor of medicine, advises that any instance of blood, even if minor, should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

2. Persistent Changes in Bowel Habits
Significant alterations in bowel habits, such as ongoing diarrhea or constipation, can signal potential health concerns. Dr. Jeffrey Dueker, a gastroenterologist, stresses that any persistent changes should be discussed with your doctor to ensure proper evaluation.

3. Unexplained Abdominal Pain
Experiencing discomfort, cramps, or pain in the abdomen without a clear reason could indicate a more serious condition. According to Dr. Carole Macaron, unexplained abdominal pain should prompt a medical consultation to explore potential underlying issues.

4. Unexplained Weight Loss
Sudden weight loss that occurs without changes to your diet or exercise routine can be a warning sign of several health problems, including colorectal cancer. Dr. Dueker emphasizes that if you’re losing weight unexpectedly, it’s essential to consult your doctor and potentially request a colonoscopy.

5. Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron deficiency anemia, particularly in men or women who do not menstruate, can suggest internal bleeding related to a tumor. Dr. Ness highlights that iron deficiency anemia in men is particularly concerning and usually warrants a colonoscopy.

Risk Factors and Screening Recommendations
Beyond these symptoms, certain risk factors can elevate the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer. Early detection through screening is crucial for improving survival rates. In France, a national program provides an immunological test every two years for individuals aged 50 to 74 to check for hidden blood in the stool. However, due to the growing incidence among younger populations, anyone experiencing symptoms or having risk factors should consult their doctor, regardless of their age. A colonoscopy may be suggested to explore the colon and rectum for any abnormalities.
