Colombia: the four miraculously saved children give some details about their ordeal


Video length: 2 min.


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Aged just 13, 4, 9 and 1, the four children who miraculously survived for 40 days in the Amazon jungle after a plane crash were found emaciated but safe. Hospitalized, they begin to deliver details of their ordeal.

An incredible moment, an unexpected rescue, filmed by one of the rescuers. soleiny9 years old, and Tien, 5 years old, appear very thin, with haggard eyes. Their little sister, Christina1 year old, is tight in the arms of a rescuer. After 40 days wandering in the jungle, they are dehydrated. The first emergency is to give them something to drink. The evening of their rescue, the children were transferred, by military plane, to a hospital in Bogotá.

“Leave to find your father”

They speak little, but deliver some details of their ordeal. All the eldest told me was that their mom was alive for four days. And before she died she would have said ‘Leave to find your father’“, reports Manuel Miller Ranoquethe father of two of the children. The children are still hospitalized, but their lives are now out of danger.

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