Collective transport, welcome aboard the Tram-CAQ

Come aboard a brand new public transportation network! On your way, you will be able to admire a panorama of the public transport management of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), through the tinted window of a 20-year-old student who wonders where the train derailed. Take advantage of it, the transport ticket is free, but be careful… there is a risk of turbulence.

Direction: the failure of the socio-energetic transition caused by the government’s half-measures in public transport.

First stop: Guilbault station.

On the occasion of the recent remarks of the Minister of “Non-collective Transport”, we are taking advantage of this stopover to remind ourselves what the priority of the ministry responsible for Sustainable Mobility should be. The abandonment of the solo car in favor of public transport. This requires reliable and cost-effective public transportation services.

Mme the minister responsible for “Roads, Cars and Trucks” seems to believe that more investment is needed in the automobile industry. This is the daily life of a large part of the population, so “let’s continue”. This philosophy is democratic, in some ways. However, since we are talking about the fight against climate change, this is not the right attitude to adopt; we must instead invest to encourage a cultural change. This is about the survival of our species!

The government and municipalities must be part of the initiative and represent the popular movement. In a world where the population does not understand the extent of the issue, it would be the government’s duty to raise awareness in order to act! However, public opinion is far from neutral on the subject: the 500,000 people at the great climate march in 2019 are just one example. How many people does it take to change things?

Second stop: M. and M stationme Everyone.

At this second stopover, we notice the debts of public transport services piling up. Investing only in the construction of infrastructure is clearly only a half-measure. Faced with the deficits of these companies, instead of trying to stimulate the use of the networks, the government decides to turn around… and reduce services to users! During our stop, we speak with one of the daily users of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) and try to explain to him that his reduced footprint habits will be rewarded by a reduction in service hours, since the REM does not generate enough profits.

Let us take this opportunity to remind him that the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility invests the money collected from its taxes to finance the automobile industry. It’s the equivalent of using the funds raised in the Pierre-Lavoie challenge to invest in cigarette companies. It makes you wonder whether the CAQ really wants a transition or not.

Third stop: Legault station.

Finally we arrived. We no longer really know where we are, and especially where we are going. The Tram-CAQ lacked direction; it also lacked a destination. The CAQ’s force of adaptation is a double-edged sword; it made an excellent government during the state of emergency, today it reveals a disorganized government. He needs a plan, a reason to govern.

It’s almost time for our connection, a new departure that will take us safely to our destination. A journey on which we will dare to implement a national public transport policy: access to all trains, buses and metros, from a single annual subscription at a reduced price, or even free. A green card which will stimulate the use of public transport and thus begin a real transition.

According to one study, each car trip costs society on average more than four times the price of a bus trip. In this context, we can afford to consider a free subscription. Free access is intuitively attractive; it has also been successful among those aged 65 and over.

It remains to be seen what colors these changes will carry. One thing is certain ; We’ve been going around in circles for a long time, and it could continue like this, as Karl Tremblay sang, until “there’s nothing left.”

Terminus: Please get off the train.

When, like whip Eric Lefebvre, you disembark from the powder blue train… don’t forget your personal belongings.

To watch on video

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