Faced with too low stocks, the French Blood Establishment is deploying a major collection campaign in emblematic and prestigious places, throughout France, such as the Musée d’Orsay in Paris.
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Lying on a bed in a large room with majestic gilding in the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, Laure has her eyes riveted on the frescoes and her arm stretched out towards the nurse to donate her blood. “It’s impressive! It’s good to do it in a prestigious place, it motivates a little more”, she exclaims. This is the whole objective of the French Blood Establishment, which is deploying a major collection campaign throughout France in emblematic places throughout the month of June.
>>> Health: the French Blood Establishment is launching a new call for donors, the negative group O particularly sought after
An initiative that attracts new donors like Nicolas: “As long as you do, you might as well do it in a nice place. But I mostly work right next to it, so it’s rather practical”says the young man who also takes the plunge because of his personal history. “My son has a disease where he needed a lot of blood transfusions and infusions and so this is a way to come and contribute to all of that. He was lucky to benefit from it. Thanks to this donation, it will allow others to benefit from it. It’s a bit of a way to repay the debt”, he believes.
More than 10,000 blood bags missing
“Don’t hesitate! It’s free, it’s easy and it’s a great action”, insists Agnès, a regular donor. Action is all the more necessary as summer approaches and stocks are too low. Nearly 90,000 blood bags are in reserve, 10,000 to 20,000 more are needed by July 14, according to the director of the French Blood Establishment in Île-de-France, “to be able to spend the summer serenely”.
“Disease doesn’t take holidays. People who have cancer will still need treatment during this time.”
Stéphane Noel, director of the French Blood Establishment in Ile-de-Francefranceinfo
“People who have a road accident or mothers who are going to have a haemorrhage during delivery will need to be taken care of. Hence the importance of people mobilizing and coming give their blood, explains Stephane Noel. Three criteria are necessary for this: to be between 18 and 70 years old, to feel in good health and to weigh more than 50 kilos. An eligibility test and appointment slots are available on the blood donation site.
Several collections are planned in the coming days, such as Wednesday, June 14 at the Panthéon, in Paris, at the Marseille City Hall or at the auditorium of the Dijon Opera. On Thursday June 15, it will be possible to donate blood at the Opéra de Montpellier or at the Zénith de Saint-Etienne. To find the blood collection nearest to you and make an appointment, you can consult the website or the application of the French Blood Establishment.