Collections | A rare Star Wars poster for auction

British house Excalibur Auctions is auctioning off a rare and coveted poster of the very first film in the saga this weekend Star wars, now known asEpisode IV: A New Hope.

André Duchesne

André Duchesne

According to a press release, the poster was created by twin brothers Greg and Tim Hildebrandt, who specialize in science fiction and fantasy posters. After only a week or two, this one had been taken down and replaced with the much better-known poster by illustrator Tom Chantrell.

Chantrell’s poster was deemed more commercial, but also more relevant to the universe created by George Lucas. According to the auction house Excalibur, the value of the poster hovers between 5,000 and 6,000 English pounds.

The sale takes place this Saturday. Interested? You can follow the activities on

Visit the Excalibur Auctions website

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