Collapsed, Lââm unveils an unpublished photo of her “funky wedding” with her Robert Suber and pays him tribute

This is terrible news that Lââm has just revealed on social networks. Via her Instagram account, the singer announced the death of her husband Robert Suber. “RIP Suber! My husband forever,” the “Little Sister” performer wrote in the caption of a photo of the deceased. For now, the circumstances of Robert Suber’s death are unknown.

Very supported in this painful ordeal, Lââm received a large number of messages of condolence. “There for you, do not hesitate any schedule, day …” said former reality TV candidate Tatiana Delarue in the comments. “Oh no my Lââm”, commented Elodie Frégé, visibly in shock. “What sad news … My sincere condolences my sista. May the earth be light to him. Strength,” said singer Willy Denzey in turn.

Lââm had shared Robert Suber’s life for many years. The couple would also celebrate their 25 years of marriage, as revealed by the singer on Instagram a few minutes after announcing the death of her husband. They never had children. A desire shared by Lââm and Robert Suber, as she explained a few years ago at the microphone of Non Stop People. “I don’t want them. I love children but I find that it takes courage to make them today. There are so many unhappy children that I prefer to take care of them”, said the artist.

The disappearance of Robert Suber is a terrible ordeal for Lââm who had eyes only for her husband. “He is the ideal man. He has humor, he is handsome … Faithful and honest men like him, there are not many. I could not live without him. That makes twelve. years that we are married and we are still so in love. (…) 70% of my success, it is to him that I owe it. My success, it is his success “, affirmed Lââm during an interview granted to the magazine “Closer”.

To pay tribute to her husband, Lââm shared an unseen photo of their wedding. In caption, the singer writes: “1996 OUR FUNKY WEDDING. We had to celebrate our 25 years of marriage. Rip to my king my beautiful husband. My husband until my death. SUBER FOREVER”.


To see also: “There is no more respect”: Lââm pushes a big rant against Seven to Eight

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