Collapse of buildings in Marseille, pension reform … What to remember from the interview with Laurent Jacobelli

Laurent Jacobelli, MP for Moselle and spokesperson for the National Rally was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Sunday April 9, 2023. Collapse of buildings in Marseille, pension reform… He answers questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neïla Latrous.

Collapse of buildings in Marseille: “We will have to take stock so that there are no more victims”

It will be necessary to ask a general question about the monitoring of the dilapidation of the buildings, about the pipes and their maintenance, about the standards and the respect of the standards by the tenants and the owners“, estimates the spokesman of the National Assembly after the collapse of two buildings rue de Tivoli, in the 5th arrondissement of Marseille. Laurent Jacobelli recalls that other buildings have collapsed in recent years in “Lille, in Paris rue de Trévise, in Marseille rue d’Aubagne“.

The RN MP therefore calls for “take stock of all this so that there are no more victims, or as few victims as possible“. For now, Laurent Jacobelli considers that “the urgency is to save lives”. He therefore wishes to salute the work of the firefighters carried out “in conditions that do not seem to be improving“.

Government: “We have a team of incompetents, led by someone who does not know how to be a conductor”

The government is made up of a “team of incompetents, led by someone who can’t even be a conductor“, criticizes Laurent Jacobelli. The RN deputy for Moselle believes that at “a moment it will be necessary to do the big cleaning“within the executive.

He even describes Elisabeth Borne as “future ex-prime minister”. He considers that “all ministers have failed“, notably “the Minister of the Interior in the face of exploding immigration and insecurity” And “the Minister of Finance faced with the debt record” and inflation.

Pension reform: “Whatever” the opinion of the Constitutional Council, “we will not give up”

Regardless of“the opinion that the Constitutional Council will give on Friday on the pension reform,”We will never let go“, promises Laurent Jacobelli. The spokesperson for the National Rally is certain that the reform “will be broken“, judging her”unconstitutional“.

If the Constitutional Council validates all, or part of this reform“, Laurent Jacobelli is betting on the next European elections in 2024 then presidential elections in 2027 for “roll back the government“.”If Marine Le Pen becomes President of the Republic, this reform will be broken and we will have another reform“, he advances.

Pension reform: “We are asking for a referendum”

While the future of the pension reform wanted by the government is in the hands of the Constitutional Council, which must deliver its opinion on Friday, the National Rally continues to ask “Referendum” by the voice of his spokesperson Laurent Jacobelli. The RN deputy for Moselle promises that he will sign this referendum “if validated”. “Whether it comes from the left, from the center, from anywhere, what we want is for the French to be able to express themselves on this reform“, he launches.

Find the full “8h30 franceinfo” from Sunday April 9, 2023:

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