Cold wave: Hydro-Québec invites its subscribers to reduce their electricity consumption

Hydro-Quebec is asking its subscribers to take a few measures so that Quebec’s electricity consumption is reduced as a period of intense cold began Thursday evening in most regions.

The state-owned company predicts that on Friday and Saturday, demand for electricity could exceed the historic consumption peak, which was around 40,500 megawatts (MW) in January 2022.

Extremely cold temperatures will test the ability of buildings to retain heat, which will increase the demand for heating throughout Quebec.

Quebecers are therefore invited to reduce heating by one to two degrees Celsius, especially in unoccupied rooms in the house, and to use less hot water. They are also asked to reduce or postpone the use of major household appliances, particularly the clothes dryer and the dishwasher.

These savings gestures are particularly recommended between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. this Friday and between 6 a.m. and noon on Saturday.

Hydro-Québec points out that such measures will help ease the pressure on the electricity network and reduce electricity imports from neighboring networks.

The Crown corporation assures that, like its customers, it will reduce heating and lighting in all its premises in Quebec.

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