cold treatments could cause strokes



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Health: cold treatments could cause strokes

The National Medicines Safety Agency recommends against certain treatments for colds, they could have serious consequences: convulsion or even stroke. – (franceinfo)

The National Medicines Safety Agency recommends against certain treatments for colds, they could have serious consequences: convulsions or even stroke.

Every winter, they remain popular in pharmacies: vasoconstrictors to treat colds. But they could disappear: health authorities are warning of possible serious adverse effects. Pharmacists are encouraged not to offer these drugs directly. In Paris, Christine Bihr, pharmacist, has gotten into the habit of always warning her customers of potential risks: “we ask the person if they have blood pressure problems or other associated problems, and we warn about the risks of side effects of this molecule”she explains.

Make them disappear from pharmacies

It is a molecule that reduces the size of blood vessels and could cause heart attacks. “The goal is for them to disappear from pharmacies and French people’s cupboards.”, affirms Christelle Ratignier-Carbonneil, general director of the ANSM.

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