Coalition opposes Ottawa’s planned purchase of F-35 fighter jets

(Ottawa) A coalition called “No Fighter Jets” is holding weekend rallies to oppose Ottawa’s plans to buy F-35 fighter jets.

The Canadian Press revealed last month that the Department of National Defense had received approval to spend $7 billion on 16 F-35 fighter jets and related equipment.

This is part of a decade-long journey to purchase a total of 88 fighter jets, to replace aging CF-18s in the years to come.

Activists will rally Friday through Sunday across the country. They are asking Ottawa to cancel the agreement, arguing that the fighter jets are contributing to militarization and harming the environment.

Activists plan to unfurl a banner on Parliament Hill on Saturday at noon.

Canada’s defense policy states that the F-35s are needed to counter evolving threats, such as surface-to-air missiles, and to cooperate with allies.

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