Coalition Conversations: CDU, SPD, and BSW Pursue Collaboration in Saxony

Exploratory talks for a potential “Brombeer coalition” between Saxony’s CDU, SPD, and BSW commenced after the recent state elections. While Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer expressed optimism about forming a government, he acknowledged that the talks may not lead to a coalition. Contentious issues remain, particularly regarding Ukraine policy and various investments. Despite some criticism, particularly from the SPD regarding BSW’s leadership, the parties aim to outline a roadmap for negotiations over the next few weeks.

Exploratory Talks Commence: Saxony’s CDU, SPD, and BSW Work Toward a Brombeer Coalition

Following the recent state elections, exploratory discussions commenced on Tuesday between the CDU, SPD, and BSW in an effort to form what is being termed a Brombeer coalition. Party representatives confirmed the start of these talks, and optimism was expressed by all involved.

Kretschmer Highlights a ‘Saxon Way’ in Coalition Discussions

Saxony’s Minister President, Michael Kretschmer (CDU), conveyed a sense of hope regarding the negotiations, stating there is a ‘solid foundation’ for the talks, as endorsed by the leadership of all three parties. He expressed confidence in successfully forming a coalition with the BSW and SPD, although he acknowledged that the final outcome remains uncertain.

Kretschmer remarked, “It is unclear if this will ultimately yield a government.” He emphasized the challenging discussions that lie ahead but remained inspired by the commitment from all parties to effect positive change in Saxony.

In a media interaction post-meeting, Kretschmer stressed that the goal is not for the coalition partners to abandon their individual principles but to engage respectfully and document areas of common interest.

Discussing the role of BSW national chairwoman Sahra Wagenknecht, Kretschmer stated, “I believe we are successfully navigating our unique Saxon path.” He noted the constructive approach from BSW members seeking meaningful progress. Discussions will include various topics, including the polarized views on Ukraine, where foundational agreements will be explored.

Criticism arose from within the SPD, with co-leader Henning Homann asserting that Wagenknecht’s actions were hindering government formation efforts in Saxony, urging her to reconsider her approach.

SPD Leadership Remains Hopeful Despite Challenges

Despite the tensions, Homann remained hopeful, asserting, “It is feasible to establish a stable majority government for Saxony.” He acknowledged the responsibility exhibited by all three parties during previous discussions.

Zimmermann: No Clear Direction with Sahra Wagenknecht

In terms of political strategy, discussions involving state associations in Thuringia, where a similar coalition is under negotiation, were highlighted. Wagenknecht called for the BSW to distance itself from CDU leader Friedrich Merz’s Ukraine policy should a coalition materialize in either state.

Prior to the initial exploratory talks, Zimmermann expressed contentment with the direction taken, noting that both the CDU and SPD had made headway on various issues, particularly in the fields of education and healthcare. The state executives from all three parties approved proceeding with the exploratory discussions last week, paving the way for potential coalition negotiations.

Agenda Set with Outstanding Issues

During their first exploratory meeting, a proposal for further discussions was established. The parties plan to convene in sector-specific groups starting Wednesday, aiming to conclude negotiations within a three-week timeframe.

Previous meetings served to build rapport and culminated in a position paper highlighting shared priorities, particularly in education, health and care, and agricultural relief. However, some topics remain contentious, including the proposed formation of a Saxon border police, which the CDU advocates. Conversely, the SPD is calling for enhanced investment in education and infrastructure, with peace policy being a central concern for the BSW.

Current Coalition Alternatives Limited

In the elections held on September 1, the CDU emerged as the leading party with 31.9% of the vote, closely followed by the AfD at 30.6%. Given the CDU’s firm stance against an alliance with the AfD, the only viable coalition options for a majority government appear to be between the CDU, BSW (11.8%), and SPD (7.3%). The continuation of the existing coalition with the CDU, Greens (5.1%), and SPD is deemed insufficient.

Reported by MDR Sachsen
