“Coal to Diamond,” Monk.E and Mike Shabb

Muralist and veteran of the Montreal hip-hop scene Monk.E has found an excellent creative partner in Mike Shabb, also an MC, but here a composer. Let us note from the outset that colleague Nicholas Craven, beatmaker expert in sample-based rhythms, supported the duo, Shabb making good use of his advice to design a musical setting based on old soul, jazz (amusing all all all) and funk (laden with brass on the powerful Between the linesreminiscent of RZA’s touch) which perfectly suits Monk.E’s style — his slow prosody which skips no syllable and his spiritual (esoteric at times) and committed pen shine on the grooves from Shabb. A handful of collaborators join this (too) brief album, among which the troublemaker SeinsSucrer on the title track, carried by a groove from the American West Coast, and the impeccable singer and rapper Meryem Saci (ex-Nomadic Massive) on Dancing in the Rain, which closes the case in style. Looking forward to a sequel to this project.

Click here for an excerpt.

From coal to diamond

★★★ 1/2

hip hop

Monk.E and Mike Shabb, Independent

To see in video

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