Clowns in hospital with sick children #IlsOntLaSolution


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For 30 years, professional clowns from the “Le Rire Médecin” association have been traveling to hospitals several times a week to the bedside of sick children. These actors facilitate care by changing the ideas of young patients.

Playing with children hospitalized in pediatric wards cannot be improvised! All the clowns are professional clowns and diligently follow the rules of the game in the hospital. Like Kasserole and Flabert who do not intervene spontaneously with children, but in compliance with a protocol and rules of hygiene. They are also bound by medical confidentiality.

that’s the transmission sheets. We each have their age, their pathology, in what state they are, physically and psychologically. We have an order to respect.

Doriane Moretus

AKA Kasserole

The doctor laughter association works in 55 pediatric wards. A total of 107 clowns offer laughs and smiles to children. 83,000 children are visited per year. Here at Robert Debré Hospital, the patients are mostly immunocompromised like Aline. This little girl, aged four, lets the clown duo enter her world. On the program: sketches, jokes, magic tricks, benevolent listening. If the children participate and laugh. It’s won.

Being a clown in the hospital means taking rakes, it doesn’t always work.

Doriane Moretus

AKA Kasserole

The clown duo acts as a decompression chamber in the medical setting. A breath of fresh air for the little patients, their parents, but also the nursing staff. Thanks to their joy and good humor, the hospital clowns also allow the family circle to take another look at the disease and the caregivers to recharge their batteries.

Laughter is liberating. The presence of the clowns reduces the anxiety and stress of hospitalized children. Doctors are also calling for their presence, because the therapeutic benefits of the action of pediatric clowns are recognized and are the subject of scientific research.

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