Clovis Cornillac, father of twins: his daughter Lily is sublime!

Inseparable from Lilou Fogli? Absolutely ! And yet, Clovis Cornillac does not forget an ounce of his romantic past. Before putting the knee on the ground in front of his beauty, the actor was even married for the first time in the 1990s. The chosen one of his heart, at the time? Caroline Proust, with whom he had played in the film Green Paradise by Emmanuel Bourdieu. And you all know her! She was, among others, the interpreter of Laure Berthaud in the series Gear for 15 years.

This role, she owes it, moreover, somewhere, to her former husband Clovis Cornillac. He had managed to convince her to accept the adventure while she was on a theater tour in Quebec… and this decision was undoubtedly the right one! Of course, these two weren’t just bound by a love of acting and cameras. They also had two daughters together in 2001, twins named Lily and Alice who are now 21. Time flies, that’s for sure. On social networks, one of them has privatized her account, but the other dares to come out in the open. Inherited beauty…

I don’t know if on my side I would accept

Clovis Cornillac and Caroline Proust remained close by force of circumstance, for the education of their daughters. Married in 1994, they finally separated in 2010. Today, the 53-year-old actor is united, facing the Eternal, with Lilou Fogli, whom he has turned in his films A little, a lot, blindlyin Belle and Sebastian 3 and recently That’s wonderful, in 2021. The lovebirds completed the family together since they had a little boy named Nino, born on May 28, 2013. It is impossible to know, however, who of the three will sooner or later take over to become an actress or actor. “I don’t know if on my side I would accepthe explained in the columns of TV 7 Days in 2014. Selfishly, I would like my children to have other desires to open me up to other things…”

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