Clovis Cornillac and “marital rape”: a very complicated sequence… in the presence of his wife

Complicated filming for Clovis Cornillac, who is about to become the most hated man in France. His character, in any case, since he plays Grégory, guilty of marital rape, in the TV movie After the silencedirected by Jérôme Cornuau and broadcast on France 2 on Wednesday November 16, 2022. A few days before the Noustoutes march, organized against the violence suffered by women, the actor and his play partner, Caroline Anglade, therefore face a challenge difficult, but with an extremely important message, projected on prime time television.

The scenes are very modest

I know you won’t love meexplains Clovis Cornillac in the pages of the magazine Tele-Leisure. I didn’t go there for that.“Inevitably, the actor could not draw on his experience and had to do his utmost to appear realistic, while ensuring that Caroline Anglade, who plays Marina, his former companion, feels good. Even during filming footage of rape or violence.”I know Jérôme Cornuau well, there is no one sweeter than himhe says happily. The scenes are very modest, it is mainly the faces that are filmed. Once the complicity exists with his partner, it’s still game. But I always ask if I can put a leg or an arm there, to avoid hurting or making people feel uncomfortable.

I get blamed for it sometimes

Additional difficulty for Clovis Cornillac: his wife, Lilou Fogli, is also part of the cast of this France 2 fiction. After the silence, she plays police officer Sophie Raynaud and has carefully avoided talking about work once at home… even if her husband – whom she married in August 2013 – has a habit of talking a lot about her job once she gets home. he finds his family in the evening. “I get blamed for it sometimeshe admits. Mas one is sufficiently absorbed all day. If we dwell on the evening again, it never stops!

Find the full interview with Clovis Cornillac in the magazine Tele-Leisureno. 1915, of November 7, 2022.

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